Design Style Video
This assignment was where I had to create a video or animation that describes and educates viewers about a current or historic design trend. This required using a combination of video clips, animations, text, and audio to talk about your chosen trend.
The above project involved contemporary design styles during the second semester at SAIT. The assignment was creating a 60-second animation video with us describing the history behind one of these design styles and doing it in a video in a said design style that you could easily use to inspire a client project. The video also had to reflect and communicate our design styles, such as typefaces, graphic elements, and color combinations.
I chose grunge, and my video idea would be telling the history of grunge, how it came to be, and its use in a sort of interview style that intercut with various grunge style art, including a sample of my own. The video itself would have an old retro feel to it, similar to a VHS tape with static grunge effects and paint transition, giving the footage a rough and dirty look to it, all the while grunge style music, as in 90s rock music, would be playing as I talked.
Filming the interview was easiest as it just involved me talking; the rest was not so much. Trying to capture the feeling took some work as I had to look up various tutorials dealing with grunge effects and was looking for something else. The paint transition effect was also tricky, as I couldn’t find one that worked with my premiere pro. Eventually, I could find some grunge tutorials that were to my taste.
I used various photos found online to help emphasize the sheer popularity of Grunge and how it’s used in the community. This process was through finding different pictures of the band and album covers while having a rough and dirty look. I also used various arts such as graffiti, shop designs, t-shirts, and even skateboard designs to help highlight its variety and popularity. A segment in the video involved me turning a simple image of myself but adding various grunge effects. I added a dust and scratch cover over most of the video for the overall feel.
Overall, I’m happy with how this turned out, as I feel this helped showcase my editing skills and shows how I could do an interview-style video with the theme being reflected in this video.